+54 (11) 4515-9200 info@jpof.com.ar

JP O’Farrell Lawyers 

Commitment, initiative and a comprehensive vision to meet the needs of our clients.


Our team of professionals is based on excellence, specialization, interaction and constant customer support: factors that define it to strategically offer the most convenient solution.

Practice Areas

We accompany our clients as authentic legal partners in their business. That commitment is embodied in a wide range of areas of the legal service.

Pro Bono

We treat Pro Bono issues the same way as those of any client of our firm.

We do it for a wide range of non-governmental organizations (NGO) and individuals.

Av. del Libertador 498 – 12th Floor
(C1001ABR) Buenos Aires

Tel. +54 (11) 4515-9200
Fax +54 (11) 4515-9201


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